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My Fave Meditation Apps

Funnily enough one of the most commonly asked questions regarding meditation on my retreats is ‘can I take you home with me?’ And although I would love to be able to guide all my guests through a deep meditation in the comfort of their homes before bed every night, the reality is there’s only one of me (and I’m sure my husband would miss me) so it’s my job to give my students as many tools as possible during their stay so that they don’t need me holding their hands on their return home.

For most people quietening the mind, and stilling all those thoughts that drive how we feel and react towards life is really challenging. But my recommendation for my guests is that it may only take 10 minutes out of your day to cultivate a little more mindfulness and calm in your life.

Here's a run down below of a few apps I recommend, ones that I sometimes use myself (yes sometimes yoga & meditation teachers need a little help getting zen too) hope you enjoy!


This is one of my faves. A step by step on how to start a regular meditation practice, and literally 10 minutes a day (who doesn’t have 10 minutes to spare somewhere in their schedule). From the absolute beginner meditator to the advanced, Andy Puddicombe (who by the way is a former Buddhist Monk with a really lovely British accent) will guide you through the science of meditation in a simplistic way that is accessible for everyone.


Although a little more expensive in my books for a meditation app, Buddhify is a great one for those people leading busy lives and wanting a meditation that is tailored exactly to their situation at the time. You can also track your progress which for those more competitive or analytical types keeps the motivation alive.


Quite a basic app, clean and simple with background sounds for those of you who need to block out the chaos around you (kids, traffic noise, co-workers) and move further towards your happy place.


Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, like the ‘going to sleep’ stage. Although different than meditation this one is also a fave of mine and well worth a mention as you will still be moving towards the path of deep relaxation here. I like to pop this one on in the afternoons (instead of that 3pm coffee) and it feels almost like a little mini power nap, getting me ready to take on the rest of the afternoon or a late night class.


I must admit I’ve never got to the end of this guided meditation intended to help you overcome insomnia and get to sleep. Perfect for those people who have trouble slowing the mind down and getting that much needed shut eye. Do be warned though, Andrew Johnson (who talked me to sleep many a night throughout my years in media) has quite a strong Scottish accent which to begin with sounds quite harsh but somehow ends up forcing you to relax, unwind and fall deeply asleep.


A clear, simple approach to meditation with a NY Times bestselling author and some of the most respected (and cool) meditation teachers on the planet. Designed for the fidgety skeptic, built to help you keep it going.



Love this app for its sense of community and peer rated reviews plus its sheer volume of mediations (over 5,000). It’s like a social media version of mediation. You can search nearly any topic and find an array of guided meditations and see who around the world is also meditating to that very same guided meditation. I love the realisation that people all around the world are sitting in a state of Zen meditating with me. Pretty spesh!


Looking to deepen your meditation practice? On our retreats we offer daily Yoga & Meditation as well as one on one time to tailor a home program that is sustainable and will help you take the feeling of peace and calm back home with you into your daily life.

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